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Peculiar sexual gender patterns are some facts about the patterns of men and women’s sex drives that researchers and sex therapists have found out. However, couples should bear in mind that individuals may vary from these norms. Couples under age 30 have sex on an average of 109 times a year. The average number drops to 70 times per year for 40-somethings and 52 times a year for couples in their 50s, while an average couple have sex 66 times a year.
Men’s and women’s sex drives differ. Women’s sexual inclinations are more complicated than men’s. While men may be rigid and specific about what they become aroused by, women have less-directed sex drives. Women are more likely to be more influenced by lots of irrelevant things and factors. Sexual desire in women is extremely sensitive to environment and context.
Guys score higher in libido, while women’s sex drive is more about intimacy. That does not mean that men do not seek intimacy, love, and connection in a relationship, just as women do; most men crave more foreplay, they just view the role of sex differently. “Women want to talk first, connect first, and then have sex. For guys, sex is the connection. Sex is the language men use to express their tender loving vulnerable side. “It is their language of intimacy.” Study after study illustrates that men’s sex drives are not only stronger than women’s are, but also much more straightforward. The sources of women’s libidos, by contrast, are much more difficult to pin down. It is common wisdom that women place more value on emotional connection as a spark of sexual desire.
Men want sex more often than women at the start of a relationship, in the middle of it, and after many years of it,” About two-thirds say they masturbate, even though they feel guilty about it. But they are forced to masturbate because they are constantly been refused by their wives. Eighty something percentages of married men confessed having cheated on their wives though they say they feel guilty about it, but also gave the reason for this – their wives’ deliberate insensitivities to their sexual fantasies, need and lack of innovation and tastelessness’.
Men and women travel slightly different paths to arrive at sexual desire. Lady’s sexual desire originates much more between their ears, within their heart than between their legs,” For most married women, there is a need for a plan hence the romance, affection and the foreplay. It is more about the anticipation, how you get there; it is the longing that is the fuel for desire, Women’s desire “is more contextual, more subjective, more layered on a lattice of emotion,” Men, by contrast, don’t need to have nearly as much imagination, since sex is simpler and more straightforward for them.
Most married women are more influenced by the attitudes of their peer group in their decisions about sex. Wives who are not ‘religious’ are likely to have liberal attitudes about sex, they let go and release themselves to the pleasure sex has to offer than the most ‘religious’ ones. Married women with higher education levels are more likely to have performed a wider variety of sexual practices, education makes less of a difference with men. Women are more likely to show inconsistency between their expressed values about sexual activities. Most married women under age 60 think about sex less than once a day. While the majority of married men under 60 think about sex at least once a day, only about one-quarter of married women report this level of frequency. As men and women age, each fantasises less, but married men still fantasise about twice as often. Men reported more spontaneous sexual arousal and had more frequent and varied fantasies. There are natural libido enhancers that can help women please contact me.
Older married women are more likely to experience orgasm when sex is within the context of a faithful and loving relationship.
Married women over 50 are more likely to report orgasm when a sexual event takes place in a totally strange environment. Researchers speculate that many coming together of long separated spouses may find the novelty of a new experience arousing.
Most second round sex is safe and healthy; it can improve sexual function and relationships by teaching both spouses about their own sexual responses, so they are better able to explain to their partner what feels good to them. However, spouse who becomes too obsessed with third round sex may develop sexual problems or lose interest in sex with their partners.
Women experience orgasms differently than men, while researchers find it tricky to try to quantify issues like the differing quality of male vs. female orgasms, they do have data on how long it takes men and women to get there. Men, on average, take 4 minutes from the point of entry until ejaculation; [ideal time should be at least 10 minutes] anything lower than this is considered to be premature ejaculation. Women usually take around 15 to 18 minutes to reach orgasm. That is another difference between the sexes on how often they have an orgasm during sex. Among married men 75 per cent of them report that they always have an orgasm with their wives while 29 per cent of married women report that they always have an orgasm with their husbands.
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