Written By Funmi AKINGBADE
More than ever before statistics have shown that it now takes some expectant spouses longer and difficult time to get pregnant. For most couples trying to conceive, they probably have wondered if it will ever be, how long it will take to get pregnant, when to have sex, and how often, what are the natural methods or mediums if surgery is not the option. It may surprise you to know that sometimes the needed remedy or remedies may not be the big things such couples have not done, it may just be the little basic thing they overlook. There are some factors that can affect couples’ chances of getting pregnant, most especially the woman.
For instance, researchers have found out that after 30years of age, chances of conceiving diminish, having irregular cycle makes it difficult to calculate one’s ovulation thus making it difficult to know the ideal time to save sex for pregnancy. Some spouses may just need a change in lifestyle and that may be all. Or a change of environment may just do the trick. Lots of couples trying to conceive spend energy timing sex, trying to calculate ovulation prime period but such chances for sperm to fertilise an egg may be narrow. In actual fact, it’s only the three to four days before to ovulation and the day of ovulation itself that really count.
Couples’ best chances are on the day before and the day of ovulation. So, the key is to have sex frequently in those five- to six-days. But researchers have discovered that while couples trying to conceive are busy timing their lovemaking exclusively to those few days which though may make logical sense, in actual fact, it also has some disadvantages. This is because a human body doesn’t always behave with clockwork regularity. Even if your cycle is regular, ovulation can occur at any time during the cycle. If you’re having sex on the day you think you’re ovulating, and you’re off by a few days, you may be out of luck. So have sex at least two to three times every week. Studies have shown that as long as your partner has a normal sperm count; having sex every day of the month further increases your chances. The less often you have sex, the less likely you are to get pregnant.
Another area many couples don’t consider is getting very familiar with their cycles. Knowing one’s menstrual cycle improves one’s chances of getting pregnant. The average menstrual cycle is 28-32 days, but we are all aware that this is not the case in many women. While the exact timing of ovulation can vary, on average it happens between day 11 and 21 of your cycle. Women are born with about 1-2 million eggs, but only 300 to 400 will be released through ovulation. And there are three types of cycles-short, average and long and you must be very familiar with your type. This may just be all that is needed to be pregnant.
Study found that those women whose Body Mass Index (BMI) was above normal took twice as long to get pregnant as those with a normal BMI. Weight loss for those who are overweight or obese can improve fertility and pregnancy outcomes. Being significantly underweight can also alter hormones of the reproductive organs and be a cause of infertility for many women.
Men with low testosterone and sperm count are advised to eat diet high in zinc (found in meat, whole grains, seafood, and eggs, mushroom, nuts) and vitamin E. They help improve male fertility. Keeping the testicles cool is a vital key to maintaining good and living sperm cells.
Overheating does reduce a man’s sperm count (that’s why men’s sex organs are outside their bodies). For example, sitting on any hot surface can hurt a man’s sperm quality. Wearing too tight briefs could create unbearable heat on the sperm production. Some lubrication for female sexual arousal can slow down sperm motility and movement, so if couples want a lubricant, they should try canola or mineral oil.
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