Saturday, 8 June 2013

Sex and Sexuality - My wife’s loves sex

Funmi Akingbade 
by Funmi Akingbade
Pls like her page here
I’ve just recovered from a stroke. I’m grateful to God that I’m quite fit to walk around and do some of my normal daily activities. But I have one big problem – my wife she  want us to keep having sex as before or at least close to it. She said it would not harm me but I refused. Since then, she has been behaving funny. What do you think?
Daddy Joe

After a heart attack, some men and women fear that any type of sexual activity will provoke another one. People feel that if they have had a heart attack, it’s not a good idea to stress their bodies with sexual activity. But less than one per cent of heart attacks could reoccur from having sex. It makes sense to think of sex as a form of exercise. If your doctor clears you for physical activity, you are also likely safe for sex.

Two-headed penis
I have always questioned the relationship between my daughter and her fiancé. My daughter insists that he is the love of her life. They courted for some years without being sexually intimate. This was one of the reasons my daughter gave as a yardstick of a good man. But I had an emergency call from the hospital on my daughter’s honeymoon night that she was in shock and had been admitted to the medical facility. I was told she fainted when she discovered that her man’s penis has two heads. I’m so upset about the entire scenario. Don’t you think this is a good ground for divorce?
Mrs. Friday

A ‘two-headed penis’ is a rare congenital condition of an abnormal fetus- development. This, however, can be rectified by surgery when discovered on time before adulthood. In the African setting, people with such a case shy away from medical intervention due to general misconception.  Mrs. Friday, inasmuch as I can understand your present situation, I would also suggest you calm down and handle the situation wisely. Have you found out from your daughter if she was aware of her husband’s reproductive organ’s condition before they got married? If yes, then she may have fainted when the two heads of the penis could not enter her successfully. This may be due to her not being ‘wet’ enough during foreplay. Or, she may have been affected by the stress of the wedding preparation. This may be a case of deception. When two people are dating, vital information that could adversely affect the relationship should be extensively discussed. In a situation where this is omitted due to a deliberate intention, then I think it may be a wise decision to invite legal personnel to handle such a case.

Strange obsession
I’m worried about my twin brother’s strange obsession. His unique way of expressing his sexual ability is by piling up ladies’ panties. I’m becoming a bit worried about his lifestyle. He thinks keeping the panties of women makes him a conqueror of territories. We are both married but his philosophy of sex differs from mine entirely. Whenever he sleeps with a lady, he would pay them to hand over their panties to him. He would then inscribe their names on it and keep the panties for record purposes. He has lost count after keeping 105 different pairs of panties. Is he safe? Can he be helped?
Kenny L.

Your brother needs help, no doubt about that. You have to cautiously help him out. There is an obvious high level of addiction here though he may not see it that way. He is being manipulated by falsehood fantasies, subtly destroying his marriage and his life. First, let him realise the importance of the good marriage he is about to throw away for momentary pleasure. Such pleasure has no future value. Then, help him to either visit a psychologist or a sex therapist and a cleric for prayers.

Orgasm without ejaculation
Most of my friends boast of multiple ejaculations without orgasm. What do they mean by this?
Peters P.

Multiple male orgasms without ejaculation may be difficult to verify. It may depend on the man’s state of orgasm. Orgasm is a state of sexual arousal. Male multiple orgasms without ejaculation occur when the valve on the prostate that switches on and off before urination and ejaculation is being controlled by the PC muscles. The PC muscle stops this valve from opening, allowing an orgasm without ejaculation. Men who report multiple orgasms without ejaculation are able to achieve an orgasmic state before they hit the point of ejaculatory no-return. Such men report that strengthening the PC muscles through Kegel exercises allows them to get closer to this ‘point of inevitability’ without cresting the mountaintop of ejaculation and descending into the gentle valley of the flaccid and the ‘refractory’ period, where the penis is temporarily unresponsive to sexual stimulation.

Urinary Tract Infection
Is it easier to get a urinary tract infection while having sex in the missionary position? I get this burning sensation and itchy feeling each time I have sex with my husband, especially when we have sex in the missionary position.

A urinary tract infection happens when bacteria that may be present near your vaginal opening or the tip of the head of your husband’s penis migrate up the urethra to the bladder. Any type of intercourse can propel these bacteria into your urethra – triggering the abdominal pain, burning sensation while urinating and bringing about a constant urge to urinate.

Before you have sex, reduce the UTI’s odds by gently washing your vaginal zone with mild soap and water. This will reduce the amount of bacteria outside your vaginal opening. Also, wash your husband’s penis, then urinate immediately after sex.

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