Monday, 22 April 2013

Celebs linked to Satanic-sex-cult- Ordo Templi Orientis

Malevolent: OTO was set up by Aleister Crowley, who revelled in the title of 'the wickedest man in the world'  
According to the daily mail more celebrities are linked to satanic se-cult-include Jimmy Page and Jay-Z

Taken at face value it was an innocent enough remark, encouraging friends to explore 'a belief system to apply to day-to-day life to attain peacefulness'.

But when Peaches Geldof chose to share her 'religious' convictions with her 148,000 followers on Twitter, it lifted the lid on a much more sinister world than first impressions would suggest.

The socialite, 24, is a devotee of Ordo Templi Orientis, known as OTO, and even has the initials tattooed on her left forearm.

Other celebrities linked to OTO include the rapper Jay-Z, who has repeatedly purloined imagery and quotations from Crowley’s work. 
 Converts: Rapper Jay-Z (left) and Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page are believed to be involved with OTOConverts: Rapper Jay-Z (left) and Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page are believed to be involved with OTO

Whether wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with 'Do what thou wilt' or hiring Rihanna to hold aloft a flaming torch in his music videos (a reference to the Illuminati, an outlawed secret society whose name supposedly derives from Lucifer, or 'light bringer'), he has given the sect priceless publicity. 

His clothing line, Rocawear, is shot through with OTO imagery such as the 'all seeing eye' in a triangle, the 'eye of Horus' (an ancient Egyptian symbol frequently referenced in occult texts) and the head of Baphomet (the horned, androgynous idol of Western occultism).

Some conspiracy theorists have seized on this as evidence that he is a member of a secret Masonic movement which they believe permeates the highest levels of business and government.

Others take a more pragmatic view: that it is commercial opportunism, cashing in on impressionable teens’ attraction to the 'edginess' of occult symbolism.

According to the daily mail reporter, He tracked down John Bonner, 62, the head of OTO in the UK, to his home in East Sussex. He told me: 'We are not a mass-appeal sort of organisation  — in the UK we number in our hundreds. Worldwide it’s thousands.

 Celebrities are not always a boon or a benefit. 'We are used to being misunderstood. Many stories about Crowley, like people saying he filed his teeth down into fangs, are nonsense.

'You could call us a sex cult in a way, because we recognise, accept and adore the whole process which goes towards making tangible the previously intangible.'

Source: Daily mail

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