Friday 25 January 2013

Barack Obama's Inaugural Speech: Polls Show Public Support For Its Progressive Themes

culled from huffingtonpost
President Barack Obama's inaugural address may have irritated conservatives  as much as it thrilled's liberals but opinion polling shows that most America
ns agree with both the rhetoric and the substance of the most potentially combative lines in the speech.

Observers of all stripes appear to agree that the president used his inaugural address to advance a progressive point of view. Liberals and conservatives had very different reactions, as they often do, but some on the right were especially irked.

"Agree with me or you are un-American" is the way Republican political consultant Dan Hazelwood heard it, according to a tweet from The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza

While that particular reading of Obama's attempt to ground his arguments in the Constitution and the views of the nation's founders may be a stretch, it raises a fundamental question: Just how many
agree with Obama on the more "progressive" positions he advanced in the speech?

A review of recent polling as well as a set of questions asked on a new show that more Americans agree than disagree with the president on key issues -- in most cases, by large majorities.

The inaugural speech opened, for example, with a defense of a progressive approach to both market regulation and social insurance programs (like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security) -- what conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer called "an ode to the collectivity." Polls both new and old show that between 59 percent and 63 percent of Americans agree with Obama on three passages in which he defended activist government most clearly.

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