Sunday 9 December 2012

Sir Patrick Moore, astronomer, dies aged 89

 Astronomer, author and broadcaster Sir Patrick Moore has died at his home at the age of 89

Moore led the BBC programme, The Sky at Night, with his unmistakable brand of eccentric authority for more than 50 years, the longest a television host has ever presented the same programme. He was an amateur astronomer: he held no university degrees, and was never employed as a professional scientist, but his knowledge was deep and up to date.

 Tributes from astronomers, friends, and former colleagues spoke of an enormous talent and great raconteur, who beyond his most visible work, in television, books and articles, traveled far and wide to address amateur astronomers, and answered individual requests for advice and information in person.
Moore died at 12.25pm on Sunday afternoon at his home in Selsey, West Sussex. "After a short spell in hospital last week, it was determined that no further treatment would benefit him, and it was his wish to spend his last days in his own home, Farthings, where he today passed on, in the company of close friends and his cat Ptolemy," a statement released by friends and carers said.

  It continued: "Over the past few years, Patrick, an inspiration to generations of astronomers, fought his way back from many serious spells of illness and continued to work and write at a grat rate, but this time his body was too weak to overcome the infection which set in, a few weeks ago."

May his soul rest in pece

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